
The Nightbus Experience

Perhaps I should rename this blog the Public Transport Blog with all the mentions of it in the past few posts. However, I suppose that's just a reflection of my life in London and how I go about it, ie via public transport! A group of us have had a Spanish friend staying over for the past 5 days so much public transport was used during this period. If you've ever been out for a late night in London somewhere, chances are that you've had the 'Nightbus Experience'. The phenomenon of various people all ranging from sober to merry to the more unconscious states of inebriation, catching public buses to take them home/more parties/straight to work, at crazy times of the night is one which many people take away with them as a memento of London.

Depending on the hour and the passengers, the atmosphere can be a bit party-like or sometimes it's a sombre pre-hangover feeling. Indisputably though, it's the weird and wonderful things to be heard and witnessed on nightbuses which culminate in the 'Nightbus Experience'. Of course there are the inevitable elements of some overexcitable idiots who spoil it for everyone by trying to settle drunken disputes in an aisle full of standing (well, staggering) passengers, as well as those drunken pontificators who decide to bestow all their inebriated wisdom on their fellow travellers and forget the art of debate, thinking that theirs are the only voices worthy of hearing. Sometimes on a nightbus journey you're thrown a real gem and we were treated the other night to the sight of a tipsy girl flouncing down the stairs with a small, but perfectly formed, coconut in her hand as we sailed through Islington at half past three in the morning on the N19. I remember asking a couple of strangers sitting behind whether coconuts were in season or not and another meaningful nightbus debate was born.

Oh, and you haven't had the true 'Nightbus Experience' unless you've fallen asleep on one and woken up somewhere that you've never been before...

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