Not one of the better days I've ever experienced. Got up and left for work adamant that I had my travelcard wallet (public transport again!) in which I also keep a bankcard, work and gym passes and a few business cards/contact numbers, in my jacket pocket, but a fumble as I rounded the corner of my street told me no. Already late, I ran back to the house and sprinted up to my room to search the pockets of my other jacket which I'd worn the previous day but no again. Now, I'm generally a creature of habit and more often than not keep things in the same place. The home for that travelcard wallet is a jacket pocket and not finding it in any was extremely frustrating.
I had to concede to time however, so grabbed some money and ran for the bus stop. Today I've been racking my brains as to where I saw it last, which was Friday evening when I went for a few drinks after work - I didn't lose it during the course of the evening as I used it to get the nightbus back home. So I've either lost it on the bus, in the street, or somewhere in the house (my contact lenses were in their usual place in the morning though!). I must admit my memory from Friday is a little hazy but I do remember the journey home.
So, if I did lose it on the bus or in the street I've been lucky that nobody has taken advantage of my bankcard, which I checked earlier. I've put a stop on the card and ordered a new one (I'll be on credit from friends until Thursday!) but you just know that by the Laws of Murphy and Sod, my travelcard wallet will turn up in some nook or cranny once I've gone through the whole rigmarole of replacing passes etc. How annoying and I'm just frustrated with myself because I seldom lose things even after a drink or three! Oh well, the World spins on...
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