
A Spanish Affair

Arrived back yesterday from Spain where I've spent a long weekend celebrating the wedding of a couple of friends out there. Quite a raucous occasion in traditional full-on fiesta spirit, there was no fretting about whether the sun would come out as per your average english wedding because it was damn hot day and night!

It was a nice and easy registerial ceremony but the fun started at the restaurant where after a fine lunch/dinner the music was turned up in the wedding suite and the bottles of whisky and rum were broken out. Spanish measures are generous compared to the usual amounts to be found in the UK, and so the party was pretty well fuelled. We all moved on from there to sit out on the terrace of a nearby bar later where the drinking continued in more relaxed surroundings with only the younger generations involved this time (the elders having retired after the restaurant).

Eventually, we all made a move for the beach, reassembling there armed with various bottles of alcohol, ice-boxes, snacks and other essentials for a beach party. We carried on till dawn, only interrupted once by the local police who came to check we weren't up to anything too naughty and left us peaceably reminding us to clean up after ourselves - in all, a first for me as I've never finished off a wedding with drunken nightswimming before!

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