
Over And Out

Saturday saw the last wedding of this year (unless there are some late announcements!) for me - that of uni friends N & V. As per the usual wedding between university friends it was nice to catch up with everybody, indulge in a few drinks and relive our student union days on the dancefloor. With the transport difficulties in London, it took me a while getting to Liverpool Street station from where I had to catch a train to Chelmsford, as the wedding venue was Leez Priory nearby.

A memorable day, we were in the beautiful surrounds of antique Tudor buildings set amongst expansive gardens complete with ponds and towers to explore. Following the wedding ceremony, which was carried out up in a romantic tower, guests were free to wander the grounds and buildings in the afternoon sun and as the evening's entertainment beckoned, people were attracted to the vicinity of the bar.

There were plenty of ducks wandering about due to the nearby ponds and they tended to follow people to the main buildings in search for food. It was almost like a scene out of Hitchcock's 'The Birds' when guests opened the main timber door to be greeted by a multitude of ducks waiting expectantly.

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