
Blog Off

Well, something tells me that I'm not cut out as a regimented regular blogger. A clue lies in the fact that I setup this blog back in June and managed to do nothing about it until now - and that's only because it's the seasonal period and I'm sat here at work surfing the net for want of anything else to do. I'd just started to get bored of looking up inane things like the origins of Christmas crackers (apparently invented in the 19th Century by some English baker - perhaps he was as bored as I am...maybe even more so back then with no internet and only kneading dough as a stimulating activity) and trying to think up Googlewhacks when I remembered I'd set up this blog and decided it was time to get this loaf in the oven.

So here it is, I suppose a kind of pre-New Year resolution to revisit my blog more often than once in 6 months and I will try to leave those 6 months as my record blog procrastination period. Actually, I wonder if amongst the hardcore of bloggers out there, anyone has had the foresight to include in their will some proviso for a final entry to be added after they have departed this realm - an internet epitaph?!

If you read (and believe) tabloid news stories about the instructions some people leave behind in their wills, the final blog request might not seem so strange - such as old ladies leaving behind their fortunes for the welfare of their beloved pet cats and nothing to their neglectful kin. How ironic it would be if that scenario borne out of urban myth should arise, whereby the old lady dies of natural causes and her cats (who are locked in and unable to feed themselves) eat their dead benefactor before the neighbours finally alert the authorities due to the rotten smells which have been coming from the house of the old lady next door who hasn't been seen around. The police finally arrive on the scene only to be greeted by a sprawled skeleton picked clean of flesh and plump felines all over the place preening themselves nonchalantly. Well, life is stranger than fiction or so they say...

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