
State Of Contagion

It seems to be the time of year that various strains of flu and the common cold are circulating amongst the masses. At home and work people are coughing and hacking, plus there are plentiful virus-rich sneezes circulating the public domain (like the one which shot into my airspace courtesy of a woman sitting next to me on the tube last week, and to which I attribute my current sore throat and phlegmy cough). The state of the nation is officially: ILL.

It's almost party-time for viruses with ill people struggling into work dousing others with their abundance of contagion on the transport system and at the workplace. The old Catch-22 situation of knowing you're ill but not feeling so bad that you could take a day off (maybe because you skived one recently following that heavy mid-week drinking session?). So you struggle into work coughing and sneezing whilst Mr and Mrs Virus get to perpetuate their little viral debilitations around train carriages, buses and in offices.

Perhaps we should start wearing those surgical masks which people in Hong Kong and China were wearing during the Sars outbreak over there - it would have saved me from that tube sneeze last week, if not from looking like a commuting extra from ER.

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